MPost Sacco,
Investing and Saving, for
Individuals & Groups

Expand and boost your business with our business development loans, our business development loans

Our Products: MPost Sacco Offers one of the best savings and loan products services in the country.

Find the right fot for you below:

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Expand and boost your business with our business development loans

check_circle Given up to 4 times a member’s share deposits up to Kshs. 40million

check_circle Given up to 4 times a member’s share deposits up to Kshs. 40million

check_circle Given up to 4 times a member’s share deposits up to Kshs. 40million

loans image


We promote a culture of saving by providing members with an opportunity to accumulate deposits.

check_circle Given up to 4 times a member’s share deposits up to Kshs. 40million

check_circle Given up to 4 times a member’s share deposits up to Kshs. 40million

check_circle Given up to 4 times a member’s share deposits up to Kshs. 40million

Why Invest With Us

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We uphold the highest standards of honesty, reliability and strong moral ethics


We uphold the highest standards of honesty, reliability and strong moral ethics


We uphold the highest standards of honesty, reliability and strong moral ethics


We uphold the highest standards of honesty, reliability and strong moral ethics

Get in touch with us

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